How Trial Technology Can Elevate Your Case

You’ve heard a picture is worth a thousand words—there’s a reason for that. People, by nature, are visual creatures. Which is why complex technology and concepts presented in a visual manner can help people better understand what you’re trying to convey and better follow your trial story. While a picture may be worth a thousand words, the right picture paired with the right words is invaluable.


Visual input can have a dramatic impact on the quality of your overall presentation. It acts as an aid in the decision-making process and can even affect the perception of evidence being presented. Presenters with visuals also tend to be more effective and likely to hold an audience’s attention by keeping them visually stimulated.


Alpha Reporting & Video specifically uses the market leading TrialDirector software to the build compelling visuals that will accompany your case. It is equipped with numerous features that make it ideal for trial presentations.

Comprehensive Trial Preparation and Evidence Management

The software allows you to manage transcripts, video depositions of witnesses or parties, and import virtually any type of document or media. Organize your exhibits into smart witness or trial workbooks, then put emphasis on key case points, building a strong story supported by factual evidence.


Instant Access: Exhibits and trial graphics instantly available, negating the need to dig through documents or sort through visual boards. Everything you need is ready for display at your fingertips.


Multi-Media: This allows you seamlessly switch between different types of demonstrative evidence. You might find yourself needing to present documents, then video, trial graphics, then 3D animations. Trial Director software makes it easy to jump from one to the next.


Live Annotation: If there is a particular piece of evidence that requires further emphasis, the software will allow you to zoom in, highlight, rotate, or otherwise annotate live in the courtroom. The approach is entirely interactive, which makes it easier for you to make your key points in such a way that they will stick in a juror’s mind longer.



Advantages of Picture-in-Picture Technology